Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

8 Ways to Take Good Care of Your Nails

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Fix a bad cuticle around the kink in your nails

Just like your hair, your nails are porous and so prone to being damaged from everyday use and friction. But unlike with your hair, you can fix them and grow them back. “If your nail is broken, twist it with your fingernail to fix it,” said Mani Clinic owner Sharon Martin . Two excellent ways to do this? Wear your nails lightly or use your fingers to do the twirling. [ Image: Flickr user bynyu

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Seek aid from beauty professionals

By far, the biggest reason why your nails can suffer is because you do not pay attention to them regularly. So if they are not getting the care and attention you deem necessary, seek help from professionals in the industry. There are plenty of offers and services to treat the damage from using oils, sealing lacquers and products with propylene glycol. (You can read more about them here.) “A makeup artist can make sure you are protected from harmful UV rays , says Alexandra Bouler, founder of salon New York.

Also, it is important to be smart about your nails. A blog post from Skin Authority tells you how your nails should look, and another from Skin Authority suggests that if you want to minimize breakage, put your nails in a lockbox or clip.

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