Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Chances are you have nail polish on your hands and all the menopause lifestyle can wreck your ability to develop stronger nails. Many believe that aging nail beds eventually fade out the nail shape you’ve been born with, but this isn’t the case. Other, more effective, than-the-fact methods to grow your nails longer, like using topical collagen gels, are often overlooked. When working with a manicurist, however, these can be made to work if applied correctly. Here are our 10 favorite and the best ways to get nails to grow.

10 Effective Ways to Make Nails Grow Longer

Using the right nail polish: Don’t paint your nails. Be sure to use a product labeled “oily” or “ionizing” like polish. Pasty nail polish in particular can cause one’s nail to dry out and peel out, which not only crushes your nails to the maximum extent, but can also mess up the natural nail growth. Which nail polish is right for you depends on your skin type and your grooming routine, and in the end, if you consider these things, such as how long your nails typically grow, the “natural nail color” that really is. For all else, look for a skin-friendly brand with a proven track record. Check out some of our favorite natural brands, which also include NailPrint (below) and NailLab and offer options for most skin types and skin tones.