Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Like millions of other women, you probably love to sit and watch TV on your sofa, fluffing your pillows to lull you into a slumber that last for a few hours at a time.

But, you may have to put on your work suit in order to get to sleep, as what seemed like the perfect fit of comfort a few weeks ago now looks uncomfortably ragged around the edges.

And, while the elements — from laziness to our increasingly erratic schedules — may have contributed to the fact that we seem to be plagued by dry crackling nails for at least half a year now, there’s a lot of blame to go around.

The problem, according to, is simply one of moisture. Not only is nails affected by humidity in winter, but they are also impacted by daily walks and their yucky, greasy exfoliating nature.

Thankfully, your often left with unsightly scruff around the edges of your nail but rather than allowing it to take hold, take care to note the following tips to get your nails to look great again, no matter what the weather.