Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Nails are basically our body’s surrogate hands — they’re exposed to pretty much everything we’re exposed to all day, so it’s important to remember that they need to be healthy. Carefully caring for your nails can go a long way towards keeping your hands beautiful and healthy, but getting too manicured can actually mess up your wellbeing. Here are some helpful tips on eating right to keep your nails strong and healthy.

Stay hydrated.

First things first: Hydrate. Give your skin a well-needed shot of water by exfoliating daily and eating organic, raw fruits and veggies. You’ll also want to make sure you consume foods high in antioxidants (like berries and apples), wholegrains (like lentils), and green leafy vegetables (like spinach). Unfortunately, drinking your own body’s fluids can also build up body weight — so don’t do it!

Hydrate and moisturize.

Perhaps the most important part of Nail Care 101 is the way you care for your hands. If you’re taking care of your nails and toes with an exfoliating mitt or steaming hot tonic, that’s great, but it’s no substitute for healthy hydration. Always take a shower after you shower, and use a moisturizer, like one that contains hyaluronic acid, to keep your nails from drying out.

Give your hands at least five minutes a day to rest.

Twenty-five minutes is the recommended time limit for most people to exercise, so take at least the same amount of time (in our experience, between 15 to 20 minutes) to rest your hands after an activity. If you have to, lie down for five minutes to allow for a rest period on your hands (don’t use alcohol, coffee, or strong warm drinks — they can cause your blood sugar levels to drop too much). Make sure your hands are totally dry by applying a heat-protective hand cream that contains antioxidants (like sea buckthorn, peony, white sage, and turmeric) or a moisturizer with lots of hyaluronic acid. To protect your nails from the elements, make sure you apply a variety of protective shields to your fingers during and after activity. If you prefer to stay out in the cold, opt for one that includes cedar oil, which can help your nails resist the effects of cold.

Keep your hands clean and moisturized.

Sometimes running out to the grocery store doesn’t help when you’re under cold and wet conditions, but it doesn’t have to ruin your day — just wash your hands when you’re done shopping and treat your hands like you would your skin. Keep your hands as clean as possible by using lukewarm water to rinse your hands and by rinsing your hands thoroughly and generously with soap. Besides rinsing them, you can apply hand lotion while cleaning them, especially if your hands are slippery and often covered in dirt or scratches.

Don’t dry or take your feet off your hands.

Another place to make sure your hands are always fresh is by keeping your feet in the shower or near the tub when you’re washing your hands. If you’re suffering from a particularly cold or rainy day, use warm water and towel dry your feet, not dry them off with the dryer.

Keep some cool treats nearby to help calm your nerves.

Taking a five-minute “break” for some quick meditation is a great way to keep yourself relaxed and in the zone for your workout — keep a chill herbal tea with peppermint, kiwi, clove, ginseng, cayenne pepper, or other calming herbs nearby when you’re working out.

If you want to be even healthier, buy natural nail care products.

There are many great natural nail care products available on the market, but they come at a price. Try to buy things that are organic or vegan, but that don’t leave a chemical fingerprint behind. The payoff is that you won’t have to worry about harmful chemicals seeping into your body or damaging your nails by penetrating the nail bed, so you should be able to find your dream products without worry.