Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

There are a lot of steps involved in clipping your dog’s nails, but before you try and tame them yourself, make sure you’re taking the right precautions, which we’re sharing here:

1. Follow the guidelines from your veterinarian

To determine the proper length of nail clipping, go to your veterinarian. Ask for the measurements and your dog’s history of nail clipping.

2. Be cautious about strips

If your dog is short on nails, make sure to prevent bigger, larger, longer nails. Don’t tape strips together or make your dog’s nails longer to prevent tying the ends up.


3. Check the paw pads of your pet

To ensure your dog’s nails are growing properly, the paw pads of your pet should not have any blisters or small, red spots.

4. Reduce stress

When you’re clipping nails, do it with the dog’s ears closed and in a cool environment. Also, it’s best to start clipping small nails because the nail growth process is much slower.

5. Use the right sharpener

There are a number of sharpening products available for dog nails. The biggest mistake owners make when using them is using an a sharpener on a fat nail, which can cut the skin, nail, and actually scar the nail and cause the nail to lengthen and become more difficult to trim in the future. Instead, use a sharpener on a thin, fake nail (such as a fake nail fit for fish), not a real nail.

6. Don’t wet your dog

Before starting to clip your dog’s nails, it’s best to dry and leave the bloody nail before you begin to shave it. This prevents the skin in your pet’s body from becoming infected.

7. Tip the nail

To make the back side of your pet’s nail straight, lift the back side of the nail in a very gentle way, and then tip the nail. This helps to straighten out the nail when you shave it and also prevents the nail from getting too long.

8. Brush on an antibacterial brush

To prevent your pet from getting a raw, bleeding, or infected nail, we recommend brushing the nail on your pet on an antibacterial brush. Our top pick is Boots Dog Special Wipes for Pet Nails.

9. Allow the nail to grow out

Once your pet has grown into its nail length, the nail will likely begin to curl. It’s OK to allow your pet to slowly get rid of this twitching growth so long as you keep an eye on it and support it. Also, on days when your pet seems worn out, cut the length of your pet’s nail, not the length of its nail.

10. Use a hair clip and place it where your pet’s fingertips meet

For long nails, you will find that clipping requires two hands. So, to make clipping easier, try using a hair clip, which should also hold your pet’s digits together. This will let you trim the long nails faster so you can keep an eye on them while you clip.