Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

If you’ve been going through a manicure slump, like me, you probably know it’s one of the worst things ever. But there’s a way to whip your mani up to a perfect, glamorous masterpiece in minutes.

A lot of nail tool multitasking tricks can be helpful in whipping up your mani with the flick of a switch, like filing, buffing, and even sealing. But one of the coolest tricks can be found on your cheap set of sink hangers. Research has shown that you could cut your mani time in half by literally putting nail clippers on your sink hangers and walking around the house. These nails seem to grow a lot faster in just five minutes a day, according to experts.

“While the nail is growing, use your nail clippers to cut it down to a size much smaller than it was the day before to help speed up the growth process. Then, when the nail is nearly filled, add some polish over it with your nail polish remover, and you’ll be good to go!” — Shaunna Wagner, manicurist at Detox Nails