Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Picture a simple ol’ DIY: You clip your fingernails, layer your nail polish over your thinning dip nails, then add some nail polish remover to clean up. It’s a pretty straightforward process, right? Unfortunately, unless you have perfect nails (but some people are lucky enough to have the perfect complexion), that day will never come.

Of course, there are some tools that have the upper hand in the nail-removal game, like old-school applicators and tiny painting pads. But if you’ve ever struggled to keep your nails for hours at a time in a frosty climate, you can rest easy knowing you didn’t need the latest contraption and super-cool marketing ads.

Nails can grow without a giant leap of faith and with a few ingredients that can only be found at the supermarket (seriously, most people can’t afford that fancy gel polish — and boy can it hurt when you pop that cap off).

See the perfect self-portrait below and use it as a recipe to make a proper manicure and apply it to your favorite nails for better growth and less pain.