Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Since our nails are everything to us, it only makes sense that if they can be strong, we should be striving to get strong. But when it comes to making changes to your nails, chances are most of us don’t always have the time or energy to indulge in what is basically a common body part. But there are some things you can do that can have a major impact on your healthy and strong nails.

Regular nail-biting habit

If you constantly bite your nails, it’s a clear sign that your nails are weak and weaker. You might get irritated when biting or picking your nails, so taking a break is a good idea. Exfoliate your nails after you’ve eaten to rid them of dead skin cells. There are many options out there, so choose the one that works for you, whether it’s an oil polish (hoisin, fruity, or citrus) or a clear polish or a top coat. If you do chew them, use a set of nail buds instead of plastic ones, or leave them out while you are washing your hands, so you don’t ingest them.

Sometimes, though, it’s not just your regular nail-biting habit that’s the problem. Other habits might be present, too. For example, many of us avoid cutting our nails altogether, but it can be a dangerous habit. A recent study showed that pre-cut nails can become ingrown and block the nail canal, as well as allow a build-up of bacteria in the nail bed and nail bed tissue. Also, it can cause blood clots to form. Experts recommend that you avoid pre-cutting nails at all costs.



A lot of us believe that exercise is one of the best things to do for our bodies, but there’s a catch: a few activities that lead to fat loss do cause weak and weak nails, so it’s wise to include a couple of noninvasive exercises with your regular running or yoga sessions. You might want to invest in an ankle band to encourage the heel to bend for an intense workout. The hamstring tendons are weakened by this, so it’s important to keep these well-synchronized and intact.

You can also do push-ups on your hands and balls of your feet to strengthen the ligaments. You can learn more in this L’Oréal Paris blog post. There are also so many types of exercise videos online that are going to help you with your nails and strengthen your body.

Eat a good, nutritionally rich diet

What exactly is good for your body and nails? Much of the nutrients we need to achieve strong and healthy nails are already present in a healthy diet. For instance, vegetables, which are filled with minerals, proteins, vitamins, and a lot of vitamins, are a great source of building and repairing nails. If you eat vegetables, you will also increase the chances of a healthy nail and lower your risk of nail thinning. In addition, you can get all the vitamins you need from coconut oil, which is a natural oil with high levels of alpha-linolenic acid, lauric acid, and vitamin E. You will also get a lot of the healthy fats in nuts, seeds, beans, and cereals. Don’t go on a massive junk food binge, though, because that will make your nails thinner.

Set more realistic goals for your nails

You might think if you want to be strong and healthy, you have to lose weight and actually lose nails. That’s only true if you want your nails to grow faster and look thicker. If you’re happy with your weight, enjoy it while you have it. But if you want a strong and healthy look, going out of your way to lose weight isn’t going to get you anywhere. Think of these as sensible habits to include into your regular routine, since they will strengthen your nails, as well as reduce inflammation in your body.