Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Just when you thought you were good to go with your manicure, nail expert Bonnie Cha uses a grown-up approach. Before going for the polish, take care of your hands and nails!

Prep: A manicure should be done once a week at the most. But after recently splitting my hair, my feet were dull and clammy, so I took a break for a week from polish. I sealed off my hands for at least 24 hours and then went ahead and applied polish to get over the wear and tear of my simple white nails.

Before applying polish, make sure your nails are super rough and have even scales. If your nails are rough and uneven, it might look great, but it might take more time to get a perfect manicure.

Cover: Dry overnight. Use fresh nail polish because clean manicures start to chip a few hours after application.

A pedicure is a huge thing for me! So many people have no idea what to use when taking care of their toes, which is why I always have a foot massage while taking care of the backside.

Bottom Layer: Once you remove the nail polish, add on the layer that held it in place.

Related: 5 Gross Things That Can Go On Your Nails

Top Layer: Finally apply the top layer. The under layer is what holds the shine.

Check out these beauties that just might be your new nails: