Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Nails have gone from the fun of taking home from school little treasures to one of our most highly prized possessions. In fact, 90 percent of women will break something on their nails at least once in their lives. You know what would be the worst case scenario? Your nail polish will get long and slip off your hand, leaving you without a pedicure to replace it. (We’re still thinking about that one.)

While it’s pretty common for us to cut our fingernails and fade them as we grow, now it seems we’re constantly battling nail issues. We keep hearing about nail-clipping and total breakage, but are getting the impression that all that nail-dusting has created a vicious cycle.

“Nail flat-out breaking [is] a real health concern,” says Beverly Hills manicurist Jen Janka. But it’s all fixable! From the electrolysis of acids to the addition of stronger salon products to an improved technique, we promise you your nails are going to grow.