Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

We’ve all gone to bed with that annoying scratchy feeling in our bottom knuckles. But what exactly does nail biting actually mean, and how can you stop it?

From allergies to nail bites to accidents, we couldn’t think of a single thing worse than putting your digits at risk for so many reasons. So in hopes of keeping those bad habits in check, we reached out to Renee Wyatt, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in Seattle, Wash., who shared some amazing tips and tricks to help you get rid of nail biting.

1. Eat Healthy

To help prevent a nail bite in the first place, we’d recommend eating a diet that’s rich in your favorite food groups: whole grains, fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Dr. Wyatt also suggests avoiding certain additives and processed foods that can make your skin hyper sensitive and prone to irritation. “While these changes may be difficult to make, you can build your diet that way, eating more natural fruits and vegetables, sugar and starch-free, and limiting your consumption of candies, sugar-coated foods, high-fructose corn syrup, and alcohol. And don’t forget to include a healthy dose of olive oil and cucumber to your diet too.”


2. Use a Toothbrush!

Taking deep breaths, sweeping your mouth, and brushing your teeth can all help eliminate excess bacteria and buildup of the build-up of dirt.

3. “Folding” Your Nails

Forget about sticking to the nail bag. Instead, keeping your nail bed loose as a “folding collar” will help keep it from rubbing into your skin. To keep your own nail bed smooth, Dr. Wyatt recommends using a multi-tasking nail file. “Use a file that does both papers and nails, one great example is the Philips Nano Ceramic File.” The locking surface of this versatile device prevents its buttons from falling off and serves as a great base for several different nails to get a longer and deeper cut. And with standard nails that are full of nail polish and adhesive, it’s a great way to adjust your routine.

4. Using A Safety Nail Biter Neckband

The balm known as the Nail Biter Neckband looks like a standard black velcro shoe band, but its extra-soft rubber sides keep biting tabs from pressing too hard into your neck. Or if you prefer a more traditional way to combat nail biting, plan to use a small stone.

5. Indulge and Laugh

Lastly, though we’d never recommend putting your fingers in your mouth, Dr. Wyatt advises you to indulge in humor when you’re having a bad day at the office. Dr. Wyatt says it can be a fantastic way to get yourself out of a tough situation, helping to lower your blood pressure and soothe your symptoms. But she also cautions against purposely salivating, and cautions that sneezing and coughing can also trigger the inevitable.