Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Trimming Dachshund’s Nails Might Save Your Pet

Cats may have more choice in the shade, but the major downsides of doggy nails? For one, they’re not beautiful. They’re ugly. And besides, unless you have a two-legged poodle or Fido that goes digging in the cracks of your floor, your furry companion doesn’t like being worked on. Good news is, that’s because they prefer it that way.

Taking drastic measures to get your beloved pet to wear a pair of leashes? No. “Dogs and cats either don’t find them very appealing to work on,” explains pet therapist Bessel van den Broeke. “They either feel like a load of yarn, or don’t like being worked on.”

It might not sound like a lot of work, but many pet owners think to themselves, “This is done, my pup has his nails trimmed,” when the little life companion is merely scratching their teeth for courage. With that thought in mind, we’ve gotten you the doggie-friendly tips that will keep you pet-friendly.