Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Just like over-friendly women, you can get a bit flirty when you want to. It can work well for those rare moments that you’re looking for that extra push in your goals. And in my line of work, the payoff is very real. Cutting your nails is a common no-no for most people, including self-proclaimed groomers. However, many women don’t realize that too often men make the same mistakes. As the leader of the Gerstner Solution’s 2-Step System for grooming nails, I sat down to talk to interesting men about their habits, and they revealed some surprising confessions. Read on to see 5 common mistakes a man can make when he cuts his nails.

1. Not using a Moisturizer

“I’m not the kind of guy who’s going to go to the salon and stick on some decaffeinated coffee and put on my Louis Vuitton shell suit. Women definitely make mistakes when it comes to protecting their nails. I keep a Moisturizer next to my bed. They can wax as much as they want and manicure as much as they want, but you never want a guy to go to sleep with his nails going all black and brown.”


2. Falling Victim to Hair Removal Products

“Often enough, I see guys fall victim to the same behavior that women do. Like a lot of women, they get used to picking their nails off or shucking them off for a pedicure, and then end up getting it done too often because they’re anxious about it.”

3. Swapping Blades

“Too often, a guy will go to a salon and say, ‘Well, I feel like I’m putting on work now, so I’m going to just go to one of these blades.’ No! There’s a protocol for what you should do. You should be using one sharp blade to cut your nails, because your nails will toughen up. Just like women need to keep their manicures clean and tidy, the way you cut your nails should be in the same general mold. So if you go to a cheaper place and you’re going to find out that it makes your nails not as nice, you just put it behind the counter or underneath the sink.”

4. Treating Nails Like a Care Package

“Women like men to be very neat, and the same goes for their nail care. Keep those nails groomed, brushed, and cleaned and that way the longer you have them, the better they’ll look. I’m not saying that all men should do manicures, but it can be very helpful for guys to keep their nails in shape.”

5. Drawing Blood

“A common mistake: when you’re on the phone, you really have to watch your fingernails because you really want to see the veins and the bleeding.”

If you’re a woman who makes mistakes like these yourself, you can get more tips on your care and keeping your nails healthy in my new book, self-care. Click here to buy the book now.