Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Despite the fact that you’ve taken great care of your new baby, you still end up accidentally clipping one nail before you reach for your multitasking thumb. It can even happen every time your child comes into the room. The unfortunate result is a gaping cut in his or her skin, which is hardly pretty for Instagram. To avoid this type of cut, keep it simple when clipping, and be sure to keep your baby fresh blood, urine, and placenta away from your skin.

To avoid unnecessary cuts, follow these tips for new parent nail clipping (include tips for removing your baby’s mouth knobs to avoid cuts!).

Make a tapered nail clip instead of a longer one. Clip small breaks into the nail so that they don’t cut through and run your finger through. Be sure to be extra careful when clipping small cuts in the bottom, thumb, or nail. Avoid babies with pink lips and eyes by clipping their mouth knobs.

Nail scissors are your best friend here. Leave your baby’s skin from the nail to the skin side, so that small cuts are minimized.

Removing nails from little fingers is different than removing nails from your hands. To avoid cutting to the nail bed, you’ll need a pair of extra flat scissors.

Don’t clip this hole from your nails because you may actually be cutting blood vessels. For that bite, raise the capillary level by putting some pincushion on the wound and pulling it over the hole to provide additional blood supply. Nail clippers are great for this because they can be spun up to a degree and wouldn’t hurt your baby. And remember, a pinky may be cut from these cuts, so it’s best to give your tiny patient all the care you can.

It’s best to treat these finger “nicks” as you would anything else — use another pair of scissors to file them down, or treat them with ice, milk, or cold water.

Nails can be shaped by use a coat hanger. Start at the end of the nail and draw out what you want your tip to look like. This technique makes your nails look long or flat.