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11 Possible Things to Accidentally Do When You’re Clipping Baby’s Nails, According to Science

Doing the deed of baby clipping is a deliciously active activity that every parent has experienced at some point — if you haven’t yet, you should watch this funny video dedicated to it. The video details all of the possible actions that you should avoid during the DIY process, with tips like not “spongeing” the nail clippings, “discarding too many polish-absent” as “you could stain your fingertips,” and refusing to “sponge too much.”

If you’re recording the clip yourself, make sure to check the safety of your baby. Buzzfeed has recommended using a non-latex nail polish remover to protect the baby’s fingers and nails, though it also points out that some YouTube tutorials can be dangerous.

Here are 12 terrible things you could do to make a baby’s nail clipping, well, interesting: