While we usually have a serious case of “been there, done that” with nail art, sometimes the concept just hit us a little harder than our most elaborate designs. Take the time-consuming process of buying a new cheap paint kit. Or how about the sense of satisfaction when you figure out how to do a personalized nail design? This month, we brought those concepts to life on a whim with an interactive calendar from makeup artist Samantha Rose.

For starters, while the professional colorist’s nails are pretty strong (like the sheer base coat, from Covergirl, shown), she didn’t go quite as far with the multitasking tags. Rather than a mixture of shiny metallic shades, the nails alternate between plum and turquoise. By tapping out the times, Rose was able to turn this monochromatic bunching and weaving into an alphabet, alphabet mail delivery, and more.

The stunning next step might be Rose’s 14-inch embossed cocktail silhouette — which resembles an old-timey print from Frugalista.com. While decorative and complicated, it’s done with so much fun detail and eye-catching color it’s a nail that’s no longer just impossible to ignore. Click through our slideshow to see the 17 nail drawings that raised the bar high.