Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

You’d think when you shower, shave, and moisturize your pets, you’ve provided all the grooming and treatment your pets need. Well, not so fast. Your pets need their own grooming just like us, and the little ones love getting messy — even when it’s just trimming their nails! In a crazy scenario, you may even find your dog’s nails just as long as yours are. While you’re probably totally aware of the benefits of cutting your pets’ nails, you may feel like giving your dog a trim is too much hassle. But besides that extra chore, it doesn’t have to be that hard — and your paws will thank you for it! Read on for some super helpful grooming and treatment tips and tricks that even your pros can use to keep their furry clients looking fab.

Keep Nails Under Control

Allow your pet to keep their nails short when they want to. If you pick their nails back up instead of allowing them to run free and run their finger nails — the kind you see on the movies — this will avoid a long, sloppy look for your pet. However, in the same way that a person doesn’t want their nails to get too messy, they don’t want their pet’s nails to become too carefree. Cut your pet’s nails short, and they won’t have to worry about spilling any liquids.

Hydrate Your Pet’s Nails

Many pet owners don’t drain their pets’ water often enough to keep their fingernails from drying out. It’s easy to take your pet’s water, put a bit of nail polish on, and then water out; but if you do that often enough, those “important” pet vitamins and other hygiene products you take on a regular basis, your pet will be deprived of them. Take plenty of water for your pet every day.


Use Fine Nail Trimmings and Dab Barriers

Now that your pet is tired of wearing nail polish on its nails, you can continue to use fine nail file trimmings to trim the nails for all your pets that seem to require a trim! Just make sure the stylist is taking care to apply the trimmings to a nail just below the nail cap. You can put them in one of two ways: you can use a hairbrush or a sponge and leave them on with a small dab of nail polish remover or you can use an even smaller amount of nail polish remover and use a tiny bit of flat cap foil to get the trimmings. If your pet hates nail polish, just remove the coating the next time you brush them.

Keep Pooch’s Arms and Legs “Chapped”

Lips don’t fall out of people’s mouths just because they forgot to moisturize. When your pet’s hide and claws are dry, they can look dull and unkempt, especially if they are continually groomed. For those same reasons, your pup needs to be kept hydrated and moisturized too! You can do this by using pampering cream, which will keep her extra hydrated and keep those paws from looking plain, dull, and dry.

Hair Care

Most commercial pet grooming services offer a beautiful shampoos for pets too, and you can pick the type of conditioner for your pooch. In the same way that you put your hair in a color matching a basic shampoo (think shampoo or conditioner with brown dye in it), you can make sure your dog’s hair is as trendy, youthful, and clean as it needs to be. I suggest using shampoo in the summer so your pet doesn’t look scruffy when all around the holiday season everyone’s hair is shaved in all kinds of different ways. You can also make sure you plan on getting your dog’s hair touched up and combed after your pet is totally bed-wet.

When you make an appointment for your furry friend to have their nails trimmed, make sure to only use the pre-cut tips of your regular human nail file to trim their nails. Always make sure the file has a wax layer, especially if it is doing the cutting. If your pet is in your office during your grooming session, always make sure your pedicure sheet and work mat are placed down so no dirt or mud gets underneath the silicone.

In order to make sure you are taking care of your pets in the proper way, you need to know the best ways to groom your pet’s nails. Don’t pass up these great tips to keep your furry client in good hair and good paws!