Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Provided

When it comes to growing nails, there’s a lot of knowledge you need to know. An easy and temporary solution? Get them done at the salon, but don’t know the difference between prongs and corners? Turn to this article for info on the best ways to get good shape.

10 Ways To Grow Nails by Professional Nail Color Artist… and DIY DIY Makes better sense than the salon Some of it’s about choosing the right products, whereas other part of it is staying under guidance. Dermatologist Leslie Parker Johnson says it can be easier to grow nails if you do so with your own products. A recent study found that using your own nail colors can help with allergies and is easier on your nails’ surface as well. As for pointers to maintaining nails? Try cutting them regularly to keep them healthy.

• Stay Hydrated to Keep Nails Clean — Some foods can cause nail bed bacteria to thrive. Avoid commonly-contaminated foods like beets, but if you must have them, eat them in small portions and within a half-hour to avoid any bacteria buildup.

• It’s Better to Wipe Carefully — If you’re getting “fingernails” on the same day you get a manicure or pedicure, it’s not a good sign. Extend the life of your nails by only painting, buffing, and trimming as necessary. Removing the skin and top layer of hair removes a lot of oils.

• Avoid The Peel — Nail polish, by nature, removes all of your natural oils, said Micah Stensito, nail department manager at Nail Garden. It shouldn’t be used as an exfoliator, and a ban on nail polishes due to gingivitis is not recommended. On the rare occasion you start to notice a problem, “try mixing your own pedicure essential oils with nail oil,” he recommends.

• Clean Nails with Oil — No, these aren’t fragrant. Thanks to the red oxide in nail polish, “it will never permeate into the nail bed,” Parker Johnson said. So, if you’re worried about anything sneaking in, skip that pedicure or manicure and use some olive oil or cornflower oil instead.

• Never Over-Insert Your Nails — Nails are usually shaped just as small as your finger can get, so you don’t need to add extra. For larger tips, press them forward a bit to open up the space.