Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Cold, snowy days aren’t just bad for temperature; they’re also bad for your feet and your nails. Winter’s in and cold temperatures can be tough on your feet, even if you dress in the winter-brimmed hat, lace-up booties, and full-face parka you’re probably wearing for the latest Winter Classic. Cold toes can easily lead to aches, pain, and unsightly cold and split nails. To avoid this, here are seven tips that will keep your feet cozy — even as the mercury drops.

Keep Them Warm : Just because it’s freezing outside doesn’t mean it’s automatically cold for your feet. Allow the feet to cool down to around 75 degrees before you put your feet into your warmest shoes. If they start to get heavy, use extra blankets to keep them from cramping. They’ll feel better once they’re warm and well-hydrated.

: Just because it’s freezing outside doesn’t mean it’s automatically cold for your feet. Allow the feet to cool down to around 75 degrees before you put your feet into your warmest shoes. If they start to get heavy, use extra blankets to keep them from cramping. They’ll feel better once they’re warm and well-hydrated. Choose Light Shoes : Your feet are on the top of your body so they’re sensitive to cold temperatures, so choose a pair of soft shoes that have a lower heel. Waterproof shoes can be a good option if you love the cold.

: Your feet are on the top of your body so they’re sensitive to cold temperatures, so choose a pair of soft shoes that have a lower heel. Waterproof shoes can be a good option if you love the cold. Treat Them Properly : Your feet need plenty of warmth and care, especially in colder weather. A good place to start is to keep a clean pair of under-toe socks underneath a sweater, or grab a pampering foot soak to give your feet a much-needed pampering. If you want to avoid shoes altogether and just wear socks, opt for a thick fuzzy boot to keep you warm.

: Your feet need plenty of warmth and care, especially in colder weather. A good place to start is to keep a clean pair of under-toe socks underneath a sweater, or grab a pampering foot soak to give your feet a much-needed pampering. If you want to avoid shoes altogether and just wear socks, opt for a thick fuzzy boot to keep you warm. Your Nails Are Dry: Cold, dry air is better for your skin than warm, humid air; otherwise, it’s common for your skin to lose its moisture and your nails to dry out. Warm a warm towel to apply to your hands and feet while you’re wearing a pair of gloves.

Cold, dry air is better for your skin than warm, humid air; otherwise, it’s common for your skin to lose its moisture and your nails to dry out. Warm a warm towel to apply to your hands and feet while you’re wearing a pair of gloves. Dress For Comfort : Although those under-toe socks could help a little, the secret to keeping your feet from cold and split nails is to dress in layers. A sweater on top and a pant and tank on bottom will keep you warmer and more comfortable for longer. Wear warm socks and gloves, and stay warm while you’re dressing.

: Although those under-eye socks could help a little, the secret to keeping your feet from cold and split nails is to dress in layers. A sweater on top and a pant and tank on bottom will keep you warmer and more comfortable for longer. Wear warm socks and gloves, and stay warm while you’re dressing. Put Some Milk or Ribbons Into Your Shoes : A few extra inches of padding and padding in between your shoes can add extra layers of warmth and cushion to your feet. You’ll also be less likely to slip on a thin layer of ice because of a solid chunk of padding between you and the snow.

: A few extra inches of padding and padding in between your shoes can add extra layers of warmth and cushion to your feet. You’ll also be less likely to slip on a thin layer of ice because of a solid chunk of padding between you and the snow. Soak Them in Milk : Start your soak in warm milk and gently pat the feet dry. This should soothe and heal the dry and cracked areas of your feet.

: Start your soak in warm milk and gently pat the feet dry. This should soothe and heal the dry and cracked areas of your feet. Wrapped in a Warm Blanket : Stay cozy and warm by wrapping your feet in a warm blanket. Better yet, turn on your heating system to create a comfortable, warm, and cooling environment for your feet.