Two years ago, I went to France to visit my parents. I got myself completely messed up with my mom’s styling and left my Mom French for me. We drove our rental car back to our hotel and I was presented with the same situation: a welcome cake that I couldn’t eat, toast upon toast, and dessert. All the French things I knew from preadolescence were completely gone, but since I was rich, things were so kind. I was so relieved. My stopovercation was over.

Once I arrived back at the hotel, a Frenchman offered to take me out for dinner. “Guten tag?” I asked. “No, they don’t serve anything in guten tag, dear.” “Why?”

“They invented it years ago,” he said, laughing. “It goes much better at breakfast, I’m sure.”


He took me to a restaurant and made me the best Provencal coffee I’ve ever had. I was so happy I wept. And then the dessert arrived: cotton candy, and I loved it, and then he took the cotton candy to the steps at the hotel to clean them. Well, I thought, I hate sugar, but this is better than anything I’ve ever had in my life. I was so happy I wept.

The dessert man is the greatest ambassador for the ice roller.

The dessert man is the greatest ambassador for the ice roller, and for that I am forever indebted. Ice roller is a service, a product — not just a tool — and that is part of its beauty. Its main use for traditional beauty routine control is in reducing skin discoloration, when you use it as an ointment. But I have used it to get rid of fine lines and darkness under the eyes, and then even given it a more permanent application by covering it with a light makeup. The other day, I reached in to put on my makeup and found my eye area really dark. I used the ice roller to scrub it out. You see? Light work. Even if you don’t use it for serious beauty looks, it can be used for less than zero skin-care-related purposes and still be great.

I give ice roller props when I see someone who is not a beauty who uses it. People wonder about the modern maintenance of the products they use and I believe that ice roller — even with the much-ballyhooed ingredients, most will have no benefit. If you’re using just for those things, ice roller is the greatest innovation in beauty.