Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

We’re excited to present this article from one of our favorite sites, POPSUGAR Select Beauty.

I’m excited to share a new photo of my adorable little hermit crab-slash-habitual Mahineeitiparinik in the hot pink color first announced on International Nail Day! ?? These must-have products are specific to Asia, so keep an eye out for a special holiday that involves a ‘good bit’ of nail polish.

Ready to grow some luscious, healthy nails at a healthy, affordable price? Let me introduce you to the Mahineeitiparinik nail polish collection. My best friend and manicurist, Boca, has just introduced me to this new polish brand that offers “lush and vibrant pinks, cool neutrals, and loose settings.” (Translation: relaxing, not overpowering, and soft.) Womp, womp.

To get started, get in formation with this “perfect” set of products by clicking through the instructions, which are in the description link. It explains everything you need to know about each product, from how to apply, to how to see results. The prettiest part is that it helps you get started in minutes, so you don’t need to break out the nail polish remover or paste.

Plus, the brand says it gives you one free polish change for every nail color you buy. That’s high-quality advice indeed.

Want more guidance to getting your nails looking fab? Then keep reading.