Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Summer brings with it a touch of stinkiness, caused by the dead skin that hangs off and, most often, by the watery residue of chapstick. But salt in your nail salon can also contribute to this dreaded smell. The same salons that share one of your clients’ favorite pastimes can now be known to ingest their clients’ potentially off-color behavior.

Bacteria that infest a saloon’s nails can be transferred to skin and can cause infection and even severe disease if a client comes down with an infection. If the saloon has only one bathroom (like most of them), the odds are high that bacteria will be transferred from the water flowing in and out of it, and then onto the nail.

Aside from those directly effected by the stray bacteria, salons can also suffer from salmonella, mumps, or herpes, which are all linked to the presence of bacteria in their water supply. It’s important to keep in mind that salons should be kept properly sanitized (i.e. properly cleaning tools with any necessary cleaning solution, using fresh cleaning products, and leaving the area thoroughly disinfected) to not only prevent spreading the infections, but also to remain safe for their employees, the clientele, and the products they use. Here are some of the best options for beauty-minded women to keep their nails sanitized.