Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

You know you’re onto something when you’re sliding off the nail bed, but you can always use a little help. If you’ve got yours under your fingernails, then hitting the nail spa is a perfect option. Doing something so sedate and time-consuming doesn’t have to be a total stretch either. Here are a few tips that will make your nails all shine, long and beautiful.

1. Remove dead skin from the tips

Look at our little toty toes! Depending on where you start and stop your manicure at, you’ll eventually come to rely on them as a tool to get you through the day. But did you know that dead skin can quickly become a problem?

If you’re a diehard sneaker head, it’s probably a lot more convenient to have to pop on a good sneaker rather than lugging a bunch of paint and nail polish.


2. Find the perfect the right tool

Knowing how to use the right tools is super important. Start by determining where on your nails you plan to apply your polish. You can get up to a hundred different kinds of brushes, so you should find the one that’s the perfect fit for the job at hand. And no, we’re not talking about the abrasive ones.

Using the cutting edge material is one thing, but trying it on your toenails is probably a little too much. Use a soft ballpoint pen to apply polish to the tips of your toes.

3. Start easy

When it comes to polishes and home-use tools, using the bare minimum is best. Doing this means that you’re only treating your nails to a few layers of products per polish, and it’ll save you from having to go back to the shop for another visit. Apply a base coat, and go for easy-to-remove top coat.

If you’re a more modern nail enthusiast, you may be more likely to go for a manicure with a clear or tinted top coat. Because most of us have the habit of peeling off and washing off polish in the bathroom sink every time we touch it.

4. Keeping it at home

If you’ve used any of the tools we’ve just mentioned, the chances are good that you already have your nails polished from tip to end. It may be possible to do it in a pinch if you’re running late or getting distracted, but don’t count on it. If it’s a maintenance job, try finding some stickers instead.

There are more than enough different nail stickers online for every occasion. Choose one that’s slightly monotone, and that you can easily hold. Choose a natural color, which will complement your skin tone, and stick it on.

And if you’re not super choosy about your nails’ palettes, you can use the stickers to lightly coat your toenails before each visit. It’s easy to clean up, and gives a more professional feel.

5. Start long

With all the nail polish you’ll end up using, it might seem like you could easily become toothpick-addicted. The most important rule you’ll learn is that nails have a life span. Oftentimes, a spongy little cuticle will form on the top of your nails. This will lead to a worn out skin layer that gradually begins to break up and peel away. If you notice a big drop in the beautiful symmetry of your nails, then it’s time to go to the salon.

So now that you’ve got that portion of the story completed, head off to the nail salon — they just happen to be open at the right time for the whole month of November. Those lovely squeaky clean white people will have to wait for the rest of you.