
There are beauty trends that are a must-have – for example shimmery, see-through foundations – and trends that are so on trend you’ll be lucky to see them at all. These are the ones you’ll be wearing for Spring/Summer 2020.

As ever with Harpers Bazaar, here’s how they went about selecting the top 7 ‘everyday beauty must-haves’ for Spring/Summer 2020. And as always, we got to take some inspiration from the brave soul behind the publication behind them…

1. Back-to-Swell

Colour aligning, glittering sheer lips, sugary and just-out-of-the-shower, tingly lips – these are the nude beauty of spring/summer 2020 that’ll make your shower pass quickly. #HARPIRATES

2. Rainbow feathers

Essie – the brand behind Rihanna’s very weirder manicure – just can’t keep themselves away from wild jewel colors this time around – and this sky-high purple, bridal blue, and flamingo-y red acrylic with ivory feather heels is no exception. Gorgeous.

3. Skin-tone glitter

Wow – maybe it’s just because I’m celebrating springtime and all of its bright, juicy goodness with cherry lips and a pinky pink hairdo, but winter looks really dull next to all of that sun and cheeks and perfect skin. And my lid has wrinkles. #harpersbeauty #harpersbazaar #gelcoloured

4. Gold – enough already

Our loving labradour heads everywhere will be rocking gold nails in spring/summer 2019 and beyond – manicures are key here. With absolutely no rules, #HARPIRATES know they can go beyond the #HARPIRATES‘ BLING list with either gold leaf to match the tips of fingers and toes, or just as glitter to set, too.

5. Peplum

This year, it’s not just your collar bone that’s going Peplum-ey – it’s your toes, too! I’m going to go out on a limb and say that nail art-intensive and all-encompassing Peplum (did I just describe a #HARPIRATES print that I might have to wear this entire year?) is a definite-thing.

6. Biscotti

Pruned back and unadorned nails are very S/S, but when it comes to the #HARPIRATES‘ A-List it makes sense to give nail art an afternoon TLC and do all of those embellishments and embellishments (from floral crowns to cowbells to embroidered tiaras), you will even have to let them come off again the next day for photo-hopping.

7. Orbital

As if you needed another reason to rock vampy, smokey eye makeup, everything right down to the shape of your eye, mascara, liner, and eyebrows has been changed – if you want a smudged fringe, what you wear, and whether it’s left on is up to you. #harprimsburg

What do you think of the ‘everyday beauty must-haves’ that’ll be a part of spring/summer 2019? Tell us in the comments section below!