Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Image Source: Pinterest

Let’s face it — sometimes we forget that baby teeth are pretty microscopic and can still chomp on any part of your nail. Oftentimes we don’t realize how much a person’s in need of maintaining a healthy body. Luckily, the lovely ladies of Pinterest have compiled a group of tips for starting baby’s first baby teeth care routine. So grab your comfy sweaters and some padding and read on for three easy tips to get you off on the right foot!

Diagnose Your Baby’s Nail Needs

Learn how to identify the different nail types and nail polishes to promote healthy growth. From baby’s white to colored to long to short, you’re sure to come up with five different ways to neaten up her nails. Be sure to have a few colors on hand when you need some polish along your fingers.

Perform Your Nail Trimming/Trimming Plan

Image Source: Etsy

Let your baby make the first cut by biting into a soft barksicle or plastic container with nail cutters along with a nail polish at the very least. Aside from hair, nail can be one of the most delicate parts of the body. Don’t leave this dangerous part of your baby’s body to chance, so stop right now!


Brush Baby’s Nails Before Nail Trimming

Image Source: Etsy