Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

You don’t want to give your life a root canal, but you know you’re going to nail it in a few minutes, right? If so, you’re probably biting your nails. The tiny bits of dead skin are like knives and razor blades waiting to cut into your skin. They’re also super slippery, which is probably why you keep them in your hand. However, just like it’s hard to stop your hand from hitting your feet to avoid cutting yourself, it’s equally difficult to stop your fingertips from drilling holes in your nail bed. The problem has to do with the way your finger and thumb move around, and isn’t hard to prevent. Here are some tips on how to stop biting nails to ensure a stress-free nail bed.

Bite the Nail to Stay Still

One way to avoid biting nails is to not bite them in the first place. Do this by biting your nails just before you do anything else. This will help you avoid any other distractions that could interfere with a good job. The only exception to this is if you have always bitten your nails and you’re doing some hygienic fingernail clipping, so skip the biting practice until that job is over.

The Enclosed Hands Technique

Sometimes nails can pop out without you even noticing. If this is the case, try holding your nails vertically, so the top layer of skin meets in the middle.


Place your index and middle fingers next to your middle thumb, then your ring and pinky fingers (the extensions of each finger on your hand).

From here, you can hold your nails vertically in this position by gripping them, then releasing the top from the top to the bottom of the finger to catch.

If you are deep into this feeling, slowly pull down on your palm, then gently pinch the top of the nail.

The top of the nail will snap back up. If you feel you’ve gone too far, then shift your positioning slightly to lift the nail up a bit. If you do this right, the nail should snap up, allowing the finger to pinch the nail all the way to the inside of the top. Keep doing this until the nail snaps in two. Do this in a wide radius to look deep into your nail. This trick will help to stop the biting technique for good.

Skip the Cuts

If you do a lot of biting of your nails, then the question might not be “can I stop biting” but rather “can I stop eating and drink long enough to stop biting?” The answer is yes! Stick to using a floss and nail file to cut your nails.

Hide Your Hands

Never wrap your hands around your mouth. When you want to eat or drink, say “Namaste,” brush your teeth, and then use a floss and nail file to cut your nails.

Never Dress Your Hands

Nails that get worn down or scratched can get a bumpy surface. This bumps will attract bugs, especially bacteria.

Always Apply Nail Lube

When you start to become acclimated to biting your nails, add on the nail polish lacquer, oil, or lube. This helps to protect your nails and stop the biting.

Don’t Let Emotions Get the Best of You

It might seem painful, but it’s not; it’s just your body reacting to your lack of self-control. You shouldn’t be punished with a deep hole in your nail bed because you’ve been splurging and gluttony. Take time to connect with yourself before you want to bite. When you speak with yourself, make eye contact.

If it’s an emotional situation, take some deep breaths and focus on the positive. For example, it’s a Saturday and you have just a few moments of sunlight left. Instead of imagining you can drink everything in your drawer, concentrate on soaking your face and hands in natural light.

Take a Breather

Stop it! If you feel you can’t stop your nails from biting, try using a nail-chilling mask. This will help the nerves relax and the biting stop.