Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

For years, I’ve had a nail studio, Four Seasons Nails in New York, in my home.

I can hear the technician every time I walk into the nail studio. She is always really sweet and kind to everyone. I went in with my then husband, and my now husband. I had my nail technician there one day when I wasn’t going out. For some reason, I was feeling bummed about missing a few days of dating.

I had the manicurist attach a sticky pad to my nails. The pad would stay on for five days and then eventually slip off. It was a little strange, but it worked.

My manicurist then suggested that I use another pad that would stay on for longer. I said, “It’ll hurt.”

My nails look pretty great now. You will always look good by wearing the pearls and diamond rings that I’ve been sporting.

Around 20 years ago, I started wearing clip-on earrings. My stylist, who also is a manicurist, told me that I could buy the clip-on earrings that fit right into the earrings that she made for me.

I just used a two inch clip-on earring that goes into the ear and wraps around the earlobe. It hangs at the base of the earlobe. She left the end of it hanging loose.

My own stylist took the lanyard and the rubber clips and put them together. I then would just fold the lanyard around and pop it in the case, so you couldn’t see it.

I have worn them for decades now. I wear them with earrings and with crop tops. I love wearing them with gym clothes, makeup, or my jeans and a T-shirt.

I just love them so much.