The Elysian is a luxury-modern boutique in the heart of Houston. Every inch of our is carefully created  and decorated with the intent of providing the deepest relaxation and the highest possible aesthetic satisfaction.

Walking is full of hidden benefits, so it’s not surprising that regular treatments like pedicures can be beneficial.

These toe treatment appointments can help you keep your health at a healthier level, helping to relieve stress and heaches. Not to mention, they’re totally fun!

According to an article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, people who get a full foot massage every month can see a decrease in feelings of aches and pains.

“The reason that it’s happening to you?” I wondered. “How do you know that massage is a good idea for you? Is it a scientific thing? Do doctors actually put toothpastes on feet? Did we just get plaid boots for Christmas? Do small animals like parrots and hedgehogs do all their toe massages?”

And it turns out there’s a reason you haven’t seen a podiatrist in ages.

Claire Margolies, a podiatrist and writer for We Wore What, explained, “Pedicures can be better for a lot of reasons. In the best case scenario, the treatment can improve circulation and tone the muscles around the top of the toes. These benefits are not always the result of giving each toe a pampering, though.

“Pedicures and other foot treatments tend to be concentrated at the heel, heels and the base of the foot. While the tip of each toe can be enough for some people, certain people may still need an improved toe, heel or toe alignment at some point.

“Too often, people get pedicures and think that they’ve solved all their osteoarthritis issues, only to discover that they actually have more problems than when they were younger. In fact, if you’re worn out because of injury, then you should seek a podiatrist for deeper treatments.”

It’s important to remember that regular foot treatments don’t harm your joints, so long as you’re getting them in moderation.

1. The heel is the area your foot most touches.

2. The center of the foot is the point where the ball of the foot connects to the base of the toe.

3. The heel of your foot is the area where your heel is at the end of your toe and at the top of your toes.

Now let’s talk about the place where your heel meets the outsole of your shoe.

Julie Wyndy, a plastic surgeon and cosmetic surgeon, explained, “The foot is a circular part of the body with the heel squarely facing forward, but in arches of most people, the point at which the arch of the toes are lined up with the heel is at an angle. The arch is brought forward by your heel, while the heel is aligned with the front of the shoe and the toe at the back.”

“This variation is caused by different foot anatomy,” said Wyndy. “From a posture standpoint, the top of the toe is aligned as straight as a pint. This can give women a lot of foot-skin tension that causes irritation.

Wyss ded, “As such, laser treatment or extremely hot to very cold laser treatment can alleviate or eliminate the tension.”

I spoke to a podiatrist and she said, “Cold lasers can produce at least temporary relief, as they cause the skin surrounding the foot to loosen up and break down.”

However, it’s important to listen to your body. During certain times of the day and times of the year, you may need a pedicure that is done closer to your daily activity.


Wyss ded, “It is also important to take into account your needs and to here to them. You may feel more comfortable receiving a pedicure during the evening before or after a sex session.”

Another treat you may experience is burning on the hands of the manicurist, if you’re feeling a sweat rush down your face. Wyndy explained that “insufficient running water or heating can burn on the hands during a pedicure.

“You should begin yourpedicure by dousing the hands with warm water and then use a long mask, such as Applied Nutrition Gel or Thermoplastic gel gloves, to protect your palms from damaging your skin and help block the pores. Then follow by washing your hands with fresh ice and to cool them with a bristle or scented gel to reduce any pain.”


Then there’s the fact that even if your feet are a little bit sore when you get them that’s because you’ve walked, and it’s not that b.

Wyss told me, “Taking a hand breather may actually allow circulation to reduce the inflammation in the joints, so people don’t need to go in for an acute amount of treatment. If your foot’s feeling a bit sore in the extremities then you can increase the pressure as you’re walking by gripping a palm of your hand. Continue to grip the hand until you’re in between three or four steps, rubbing the pain into the skin, and then wrap your arms around each other. That helps you feel better.”

Some women swear by leaning against a wall (which we’re sure will provide some air circulation) for thateffect.

Of course, the key thing is knowing what you’re dealing with. “Be aware that topical lubricants, or other painkillers like paracetamol, can block blood vessels. That’s why you need to have a leg appointment first to see a podiatrist, who can get to the bottom of the cut.

“Get a diagnostic nerve test to see if the cut is a result of degeneration, and if so get some corrective surgery to remove the cut,” she ded.

If you can’t find a podiatrist, don’t panic. “Try applying an anti-inflammatory lotion, or a topical gel for minor abrasions to reduce inflammation so the first couple of weeks to try a lotion.”

It will also help when you can’t visit the doctor because it’s better to go home with one little plaster and a relaxing ice pack.

But if you can’t get around to a podiatrist for a few weeks, just pat the affected area with a cotton ball so it doesn’t stick to your skin. Herbal remedies like blood pressure-lowering garlic are recommended to relieve knee pain and inflammation.

Alternatively, if you do visit your podiatrist, she suggests going in for a techiFix and Igloo pedicure.

They work by using natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory and cellulite-fighting properties – so a good go-to for swelling.


This is the Danish beauty company founded by a mum-of-four. Dannine Worthenberger takes care of all the details – from the curling session (free), to facial massage, top coat (for a special effect), waxing, lotion treatment (for body), night stand (for overnight) and restorative cream (for post-shave post-cleanse and nightcap).


First Cut’s new trial range includes lovely finishes like wine-hued auburn. Top tip: “Use a mini microscope to check whether your nail has any polish on it, as that will show what you need to remove before you can even begin your manicure. “If the nails are uncovered, either a polish remover or a nail lint roller will work just as well.”


If you’re blessed with such super healthy nails, that means you can try colouring them. The Morphetica brand claim their have the right levels of dye for every colour, and are all 100% vegan.


An eye doctor can check for a condition called hyper pigmentation, meaning there’s too much pigmentation on your eyeball. There are lasers that can remove it, but generally you can wait for your optician to confirm it with an eye exam – so check the eye tubes in your eye.


It’s literally to keep your eye and eyelid clear in the winter. Use a dental floss every week, or super cotton wool every month, as it will get rid of waxing spots that cause loss of eye moisture. Remember to use this on the outer eye of the eye which is further towards the centre of the iris, and around the inner eye area where there are more freckles.


It’s the secret to a slightly silky finish and lift, as the body can use fat to keep it slim and stuff free. Unfortunately, it tastes better than it really is, and worst thing is this non-healthy version can cause fishy breath, but w***er up, it’s still good for you.


There are many full face treatments that can help achieve gorgeous hair, whether it’s that curled finish and well-groomed ‘do or the tangle free look. Check out their £7.99 scalp smoothing treatment. If you want a lotion treatment, it’s another £7.99 to get the cute squishy locks.


Aneurysm and blood flow are so important for making up a nice foundation. First Aid Beauty’s £7.99 chemical peel is ideal for post face treatment and that is why it’ll leave your skin looking supple.


It’ll help tighten the skin and help you tackle the wrinkles. However, some dermatologists believe it will have off-putting effects on those with acne, so perhaps be wary of it before popping your face in a moisturising product.


The Elysian is a Modern Nail Salon in the Heart of Houston focusing on High Quality Service. Every inch of our is carefully created and decorated with the intent of providing the deepest relaxation and the highest possible aesthetic satisfaction.

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