Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Clipping baby’s nails is a task I carry in my heart, and I remember holding babies close while my mom worked on my own nails and she rubbed baby’s sweet little fingers on the back of my neck.

Over the last three months, I’ve had a new baby, so baby’s nails have become more evident. I have clippers handy, but with my new baby’s delicate skin, I can’t be there to help with the clippings.

Those nursing tips are all well and good, but what I really want is a new set of baby nails. How can I pin baby’s nails?

Finding the right clippers in your area

Some people cannot find good clippers in their area. Store store with pleasant experience to find clippers for new baby. Check the coupon boards on Facebook to see if any stores had great discounts for coupons.

If you do find a store where someone worked on a new baby’s nails, ask them about the clippers they use. You may find out that these new clippers are not for you. My mom clippers an elegant, dual-edged clipper. The dual-edged clippers help to draw attention away from the nail getting clipped and help to make the nail grow faster.

Baby’s Nails Can Get More Expensive as You Get Older

When I was a teenager, I used a nail clipper with a thick handle instead of the thickened clip available now. I loved the long, graceful nails.

Eventually, the edge of my nail grew too thick, and I got my clipper all too quickly used and scratched the nail. Even though I made it through my early teens, I eventually began to miss my childhood nails.

If you love baby nails, be cautious with the clippers.

Looking for an Other Product to Clip Baby’s Nails

I have to give full credit to an amazing person who came up with the SquareHive clipping kit. It is well worth the price and it has the absolute best looking baby nails. I have tied my keys in my baby’s hair using the SquareHive. Most of my friends have saved photos of their baby’s nails used by the SquareHive; they love it!

My only caveat for this product is that, unless you use the very small square clip, you’ll have to take it off before you tie your keys in your baby’s hair. Also, the SquareHive is too small to be able to cut the inner edge of baby’s nails, but this is a minor issue for me and for other mothers.

How to Clip Baby’s Nails the Right Way

Here are some tips for the best way to clip baby’s nails:

Prepare Your Baby for the Clipping

Don’t clip baby’s nails in a manner that causes her fingers to be too rough and torn. Begin the clipping with a comfortable grip of the baby’s fingers and her toes. Always be gentle on her.

Always Clip the Right Nail

When the edges of your baby’s nails become too thick, start small. This will make the nail grow healthier. Have the nail leader clip tiny bit of trimming off the inside edge. Do not cut all the way.

Pinching the ends of the nail without carefully pricking it with your thumbnail will cause the nail to compact too much. You have to thread the nail with the nailing so that the tip of the nail can bend. While you work on the nail, hold your baby’s fingers in a prayer position. This will enable you to capture any danger of a nail snapping off. If you’re the person who trimmed the nail with a clipper before, you will know how to arch it to avoid the nail giving way. You may place the nail on a small piece of wood, such as a binder clip or a nail file for the first few weeks. After a few weeks, you can possibly begin to clip the nails on your fingers, or trim your nails to make sure that the edges don’t tear.