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Make it Her Day: How to Cut the Nails on Your Pet’s Fingers and Toes

Even when we say we love our pets unconditionally, sometimes we’re faced with a situation where they need to have their nails cut. Knowing the best technique for pet nail cutters will help you get through those tough months and minutes without making any mistakes. A helpful point to remember is that a cutting technique must match what your pet’s nails are looking for (read: wet, moist, and long). So once your feet are chilled, you can make the cuts you want. Here are the steps you’ll need to know:

1. Dry your feet first.

Get inside the house and go to the bathroom as much as possible. Take a shower or wash your hands and face with soapy water. Be sure to hose off your feet if you rub to moisten them. Using a pair of gloves (or one that covers up a pair of socks) will prevent friction (and cuticles) during the cutting process.

2. Brush your feet for care.

This is also a good idea if you go out walking with your pet. It will keep your dog or cat from biting your bare feet and adorably reinforcing the idea that you should have them cut to fit.


3. Make sure to leave plenty of room between the Nails.

To make sure you’re not cutting too deep into your toes, remember to leave plenty of room between the two nails. You’ll then be able to go in further to remove your toenails. You will need to be sure to bend your toes a little, so keep your feet in a “half” position so you can remove nails without fear of breaking them.

4. Repeat the process for your dog’s nails.

For your pet’s toenails, find out what they want you to cut. While you can see immediately how well this works if you’ve used the hands method above, getting the perfect cat nail cut may take time. Research at the animal clinic, as they may have worked with your pet and have a better idea of what his or her nails look like. It may also take some experimentation, so you may need to switch to a different technique to get the nail styles you want. (Nail clippers are great for this as they can be added to cuticles to maintain the shape and length of the nail).

5. Press gently.

One of the fastest ways to break the nail is to press too hard, so respect the long nails of your pets. If your pet wants to keep his nails longer than you would like, often pet owners opt to use scissors instead of a file. And by taking scissors, you can get the cuticles straightened out as well.

6. Complete the recovery process.

While it can be a little messy when your dog or cat has its nails cut, getting dressed the next day will be easier thanks to an even cooler dryout. Here are a few things you should prepare yourself for if you’re dealing with cats and kittens: