Best Non Toxic Nail Salon in Houston

Ahh, nail polish. The very thing that you’re going to spend hours over while sporting the popular nail colors for every upcoming holiday, work event, and birthday. But trust us, it’s better when you take it slowly and carefully — with a little mix and match of colors, or in a cool green polish combo. But what happens when you spot a ‘do that’s totally got your attention, only to find it’s not in the best shape? Then you know a couple tricks of the trade. Thankfully, we’ve compiled ten of our most expert tips to help you keep your nails in shape and looking good. Here they are.

Take Time to Care for Your Nails

Take your time and take good care of your nails. A few minutes in the hands of a professional manicurist, or a day devoted to manicures in your kitchen sink (but be sure to clean the sink first), will really start to improve their hygiene and condition. Use a steamer for those delicate nails, and when you’re done, drain it and rinse with hot water.

Find Your Perfect Colors

You don’t need to sacrifice polish when your nails are in good shape. Trying out a new color in a salon might require longer drying time, but you can ensure you have the proper resins and polishes at home. Use a smooth sponge to apply your polish, make sure they’re evenly applied and you aren’t adding extra layers, and scrub the manicure before leaving. Use a mixture of a few different shades of polish, keeping one in your back pocket for a splurge.

Keep Them Below the Balloon

Nails don’t stay at the same height for long, but they do get a little airy at times, which can lead to bad blood vessels. Instead of removing any nail polish before you take a shower, use a dry cleaner’s cloth and gently flatten out any excess surfaces with a toothpick.


Shampoo Your Nails

Before you begin to wash your hair, as soon as your manicure is done, comb your nails and shampoo them, also focusing on the ring. You don’t want them sitting on your nails because it can cause blisters. It’s best to shampoo right after drying your hands.

Cut Your Nails

If you’re going to cut, you should be waiting until your natural lengths of nails are out of the middle. If you take these lengths when you’re a little skinnier, cut for the diameter of your hand and smooth down using an ice pack.

Monitor Your Nails

Following through with a regular manicure routine — whether at a salon or in your kitchen sink — will keep your nails healthy and trim — and you’ll know if your nails are dragging.

Create a Good Treatment

You probably put a little bit of baby oil or Estee Lauder product to ensure healthy nails at the beginning of every season. But hey, if you want to make sure they’re free of ingrown or overgrown nail hair, invest in a line called Putty, which offers natural oils that can nourish healthy nails.

Cure Your Frowns

If you’re self-conscious of you’s bloated, round, patchy, or discolored smile, this probably isn’t the solution for you. Wearing makeup won’t help your concerns. Instead, you may want to try the Traveler’s Lip Balm, which works as a clear or tinted lip balm but is a non-toxic makeup remover.

Use the Right Nail Polish

There’s nothing worse than freshly painted nails when you notice chips and rough edges. First, go back to the colors you like — don’t try to switch up or try to color-correct your nails when you’ve had them for months. But always take a good look at your nails and consider changing polish for a lasting look. The best formulas are all certified to reduce breakage, so this is exactly what you’re looking for.

Have Food or an Emotion? Call the Nail Doc

It’s great that you’ve created a great nail routine to keep your nails healthy, but it’s not always possible. If you’re going through a hard time, you should consult a nail professional if you’re not sure what’s going on.

Remind Yourself to Care

Your nails aren’t a splurge, but it’s an important part of your beauty routine. This isn’t a pastime you can let slide, and definitely want to keep up with.